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Kelly Advisor Podcast

May 28, 2021

  1. Fox in the hen house: Frank Abagnale Jr. ("Catch Me If You Can") provides keen insights.
  2. Hacking History: Malicious Attacks. Human Error. System Faults. They have all played a role in hacks on retail, healthcare, infrastructure, financial services, and government -- practically on a daily basis. Following the...

May 25, 2021

  1. Album art, gatefolds, liner notes, bootlegs, pops and hisses were all part of the dialog if you grew up in the 60s, 70s, and 80s.
  2. Why is analog a warm sound while digital can be brittle and cold? We might have the answer...
  3. Vinyl Revival: Vinyl sales peaked around 1981, eventually displaced by the CD, But over the last...